As a long term professional speaker and member of the Cruise Speakers' Association I give illustrated talks and presentations to the Women's Institute, the National Association of Women's Clubs, all other Groups, Rotary Clubs, Charities & Institutes, residential and rehabilitation homes, Schools and Colleges etc based on my work and books. Following the Covid 19 Pandemic, all my talks can be conducted via Zoom if required. For my short YouTube video please click here I currently broadly focus as follows (or any permutations thereof):
Embroideries of the World: Copiously and colourfully illustrated talk on beautiful embroideries from Peru, Afghanistan, Pakistan, China - and traditional English embroideries. Accompanied by actual samples, and an explanation of the techniques employed, curated by Bella Lane, Graduate of the Royal school of Needlework.
The Magic & the Mysteries of the Peruvian Andes: Cusco and Machu Picchu of course, the Incas and the earlier ancient civilisations of Peru, the Colca Canyon and the Condors, the Railway to the Moon & El Tren Macho, Choquequirao - 'Last Refuge of the Incas', Chavin de Huantar, the music and the cuisine. So much to see - now in Parts I an II.
Service in the Royal Yacht BRITANNIA & Three Decades in the Royal Navy: Now two separate presenatations. Jubilee tours world wide in the Yacht and much more; Libya with Colonel Gadaffi, Malayan Emergency jungle patrols, round the globe in HMS CHICHESTER, Commando Carrier HMS ALBION and Borneo Confrontation, British High Commission in Ottawa, Canada, and NATO HQ in Malta GC. Loan Service with the Sultan of Oman's Armed Forces at the end of the Dhofar War, Commander Royal Naval Hospital Haslar, CO HMS ROOKE Gibraltar, HMS DEVONSHIRE guided missile destroyer, Senior Trombonist with the RN Volunteer Band Service. Etc!
Life in the Amazon Rain Forest and Conservation: Beautiful photography - the indigenous people, the rivers, flora and fauna, the controversial history of the region. Threats to the natural miracle of the imperilled forests and this invaluable but fragile and immensely complex eco-system: climate change, deforestation, oil exploration, economic and population pressures - and draconian solutions. Learn more, visit, and enrich your lives.
Chicken Street: Afghanistan before the Taliban - Head of Mission for the HALO Trust clearing the debris of war. Historical reminders of the First, Second and Third Afghan wars, followed by life in Kabul and beyond during the civil war after the Russian occupation, serving as a prelude and back drop to the current situation. The curren work of the HALO Trust, world wide.
Zalzala: The aftermath of the South East Asia Earthquake of 2005 in what was then North West Frontier Province, Pakistan. The author served for six months in Balakot, running a tented camp for survivors and conducting outreach relief work to remote villages high in the surrounding mountains of the Kaghan Valley. An account of on the ground assistance given to the victims of this disaster, and details of the aid efforts of the international humanitarian community to help the homeless through the harsh winter conditions, serving as a template for future natural disaster response.
Iquitos - Gateway to Amazonia: The author has family and a smallholding in the Peruvian Amazon and has visited the region regularly over the past two decades, writing and publishing his 'alternative travel guide' (now in its Sixth Edition), and selling thousands of copies to visitors and tourists. The talk covers the people, wildlife, flora, fruits and fauna of the region, the colourful history of the frontier city of Iquitos (including the period of the 'rubber boom'), and suggests itineraries and visits away from the beaten track. Also Travels in the Peruvian Andes (above).
Humanitarian and Disaster Response Assignments Worldwide: This copiously illustrated talk covers management of aid programmes in Croatia with the Red Cross during the Balkans war, work as Head of the RC Delegation in Armenia after the earthquake, and operation of an emergency cholera field hospital in Goma after the genocide. In a separate talk, VSO postings to Ethiopia, Somaliland and Bangladesh are included, as is work with disabled refugees for Ryder Cheshire in remote Western Tanzania, and medical aid assignments in Eritrea and Nagorno Karabagh.
I find that a talk of 45 minutes or so suits most audiences (or whatever you tell me), with time for questions and discussion. When appropriate and requested, I can include space as required to discuss writing techniques and offer suggestions and ideas for prospective authors. I am based in Battersea, London, and generally undertake engagements within Greater London and the Home Counties using public transport. However, I can cover all of UK and indeed abroad. A donation towards a project we have in the Central Andes of Peru for the creation of an International Embroidery Centre and Museum is welcomed in lieu of fees. There is no charge for charitable organisations. Contact me
See also my entry in:
Recent sample letters of thanks: 'A huge thank you - it was really wonderful to see the expressions of the children!'. 'Thank you so much for a thought provoking tour de force about the wonders of the Amazon.' 'All of us at the Club wish to convey our grateful thanks for such an extremely entertaining and enjoyable evening hearing about your life in the Royal Navy and experiences on the Royal Yacht Britannia. We loved your humorous anecdotes and are hoping you may have another talk for us in the near future (and perhaps get to see and hear your plastic trumpet!).' 'Thank you so much John for visiting our Club and giving us such an interesting talk on your life in the Services' (Ladies at Eastbrook) oo 'Thank you again for a delightful talk' (Fourways Women's Club). “Your talk was marvellous, both interesting and amusing, and delivered with perfect timing.” (Impact Lunch, Haywards Heath). '“Thank you so much for the wonderful talk and slides that you presented last night, you brought the Amazon alive for us all; I know our members enjoyed it very much and found it fascinating.” (Worcester Park ‘After Eight Group’).
Current bookings and Programme: On application - all invitations welcomed and accommodated.